Evergreen Academy
McHenry County Safe Schools Program
Foundations of a Successful Individual
Mission & Vision
Evergreen Academy is committed to creating the Foundations of a Successful Individual by promoting a positive, student-focused culture striving for continuous improvement of all students by guiding, inspiring, celebrating, and teaching our students as we equip them to meet the challenges of society. In order to reach this goal, all students need to feel safe-physically, socially, emotionally, and academically.
Focus Areas:
Effective Curriculum: Use of high quality, standards aligned, culturally responsive material and practices.
Effective Instruction: Student’s needs are met in a school led by highly qualified and trauma informed educators.
Family and Community Engagement: Authentically engage with families and communities.
Safe and Supported Students: Students learn in an environment that promotes social, emotional, and physical well-being and removes barriers to learning.
Relationships with Students: Students have a meaningful connection with at least one adult in the school.
Last Day of School
May 20, 2022
Trauma Responsive School
Evergreen Academy understands the educational impacts of trauma and works with students individually and school-wide to advance their learning.
Core Attributes:
Shared Understanding among staff -Trauma impacts learning, behavior, and relationships at school.
Supports all students to feel safe physically, socially, emotionally, and academically - The first step in helping students succeed in school is to help them feel safe. Safety is needed to advance one’s learning in the classroom.
Address needs Holistically -Address students’ needs holistically by taking into account their relationships, self-regulation, academic competence, and physical and emotional well-being.
Connect students to the school community - Foster a culture of acceptance and tolerance. Individual support services and policies that do not pull students away from their peers and trusted adults, but rather assist students to be full members of the classroom and school community.
Staff share responsibility for all students -What can WE do as a community to support all children to help them feel safe and participate fully in the school community.
Adapt to the needs of students - Adapt to local community and in-school challenges flexibly and proactively so that the school climate is not disrupted.